About jesustheheresy.com

At this website and associated blog, you are invited to explore new perspectives on Jesus the god-man. Layered into this site are multiple levels of heresies that challenged then shaped Christianity, varied canonical and non-canonical views on multiple aspects of Christian faith and practice, and God's approach of messy vitality to building a written Word.

In an era of heightened economic and political dysfunction, we look not for Jesus the tycoon or Jesus the homeless. Not for Jesus the Republican nor for Jesus the Democrat. Not for the capitalist, neither for the socialist. But rather, we look for a Jesus who inspires the faithful and facinates the skeptical. To recover a Jesus pertinent for today...

Herewith are some frequently asked questions and our responses?

Jesus the heresy? Are you serious?

Webster defines a heretic as an individual who does not conform to an established view, doctrine or principle. Someone who is out of the mainstream of his or her time. In the first century AD, Jesus was a heretic because he challenged the orthodoxy of 1st century Judaism. Any serious reading of the New Testament demonstrates that the teachings and actions of Jesus represent a continued challenge to conventional Christianity – even today at the dawn of the 21st century.

As an evangelical Christian, will jesustheheresy.com challenge or reinforce my faith?

Possibly both. Some of the research and the conclusions offered may be disconcerting. You may disagree and that’s ok. But we trust that, even as you are challenged, your faith will be deepened. It has for us.

As a skeptic, what will I find to be of interest?

Undoubtedly, you may find evidence to reinforce your critique of Christianity. However, don’t be surprised if Jesus the heretic finds some way to grab hold of you, too.

I thought there is a harmony of the gospels. What do you mean by contrasting, even conflicting, accounts of Jesus?

In the centuries-long effort to establish cohesive doctrine, Christian theologians of various persuasions typically have attempted to wring consistency from the New Testament – in support their particular doctrinal positions. jesustheheresy.com argues for a different interpretation – based on illuminating rather than covering over apparent conflicts arising from Jesus’ ministry and within the early church. We pose a simple question: Does the strength of Christianity lie in enforced conformity or in diversity?

Why is it important to know how the Bible canon came to be?

After all, it’s been with us for nigh on to two millennia. Deciding the contents of the Holy Bible did not occur automatically – but as the result of debates within the Jewish and Christian communities extending back to the 1st century AD. The first official church-wide action to adopt a sacred biblical canon occurred primarily in reaction to Martin Luther at the Roman Catholic Council of Trent in 1546. While many Protestant churches have also adopted a canon (typically without the Apocrypha), no canon is specifically recognized even to this day by Lutheran confessional statements.

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Or for email, contact theauthor@jesustheheresy.com